Tuesday 5 November 2013

Terrible indecision and melt downs over composition or because sometimes I'm terrible at making decisions without asking 15 people first.

Crows drawn and ready to go I collapsed into a total meltdown of indecision. I'd drawn some birds, what the hell was I supposed to do with them now? Stick them in the middle of a page?? Wasn't that what people usually did? In this week composition was a dirty word. 

My melt down was also partially due to the fact that I was trying to keep the crows a secret from my brother. I'm terrible at keeping secrets and cutting myself off from the one person I'm constantly harassing for their aesthetic opinion was not a good combination. The crows were also swinging wildly away from original idea of a very muted terribly sophisticated print and I'd started adding tunnocks teacakes to the mix.... not good.

Here's a step by step breakdown in pictures.

Finally a decision. I caved and showed my brother, told him it was going to be two weeks late for his birthday and gave him some spoons instead..... fail. 

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