Saturday 23 November 2013

The bear strikes back - Pigeon shadowing.

Started printing the pigeon this week. Another fail of a day. Over printed - 45 sheets of the best quality paper I had trying to give myself a bit of room for mistakes - hoping for 30 good ones. Someone called it a chicken and then I got self conscious about people looking at them so went back for a closer look. I'd Printed the whole lot without realising they all had the shadow of 'Honey. What honey?' in the top corner. It's not there until you see it and then it's definitely there. Grumpy and embarrassed at the scale of cock up I went home pissed off at myself, not sure whether to bin them immediately or see if anything was salvageable. Back into studio next day to find it full of a surprise workshop. Whole place hectic and workshop overlapping on the bed I'd booked. Prints definitely not salvageable. Mini melt down went medium.

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