Tuesday 5 November 2013

Scotland and the ceramic cat print. I was supposed to be drawing an octopus.

Popped up to see my gran for a long weekend. It tipped it down for the whole weekend and only stopped raining the morning we set foot back on the plane home. With hill walking out of the question we did a lot of noshing instead.  

There's no messing around when it comes to pudding up north.

Scottish gift shop classic.

 Grans ceramic blue cat caught my eye in the bathroom. Couldn't resist it's 70's charm. Octopus idea on hold I got scribbling.

Yes, I have taken some artistic liberties.

In need of a background I sought out Gran's cactus.

 Lacking a scanner + graphics tablet I did a bit of an ideas bodge job with my phone camera and laptop track pad.

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