Thursday 14 November 2013

Norfolk & the Walrus.

Headed to Norfolk for the weekend. Bloody freezing but with the sun out who cares. Did my usual 'I only own one pair of shoes fail' and froze my toes off in sodden converse on the beach. Headed back again on Sunday evening but not before sketching out a quick Walrus for printing on Monday. 

 Pretty tasty country view from my window.

Walrus sketch before heading for the beach.

Incredible beach that went on for miles.

Speeding sand - Cool patterns from the wind.

 It really was massive.

Epic beach find. Last time I came across one of these someone sat on it before I got it home. No photo's of the big stinky bag of bones, feathers, crab arms and other stinky rotty stuff I happily stuffed in my pockets. Now ponging out my living room waiting to be rinsed and dried out for a time when I feel like doing a slimey things you can find on the beach print.

 Back in London 11pm - back to the walrus.

 Layer 5 - black lines.

 Because no Walrus would be seen dead without it's moustache.

Inking up dark grey/blue layer.

Walrus tash eyes up fish.

 Soft grey layer ready to scan. Stumbled into bed after this 1am.

Bleery eyed and very tired I put together something pretty offensive in the morning.

 Remedied with a clam. Was going to do something with fish but apparently Walrus' can't be arsed to catch fish. Hoovering is their preferred hunting method - no chasing involved.

 Into the studio to print in the afternoon - Big disaster. Thought my A3 paper was 260gsm. But no - only had 200gsm. Totally useless - a curling mis-registering nightmare followed. Couldn't handle the amount of ink/layers I wanted to put down.

Useless. Try again on Thursday. Silver lining was able to colour test - I got my colour blend on Walrus body too brown, doesn't fit with the blue. Needs more grey.

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