Tuesday 5 November 2013

Birthday Crows

Decided to do some moody depressing crows for my Brother's birthday, taking inspiration from his special brand of lonely crow on dead tree photography in black and white.

Started out well with my usual budget ideas sketch. They have the advantage of being unrecognisable to casual observers so no one can dissuade me from going ahead.

Started playing around using reference photo's to create possible compositions.

Did go steadily down hill from there with some seriously dodgy initial crow drawings.

Here I've given the crow a strange disney head, with dimples and chubby cheeks.

Having succeeded in drawing a mucky, twisted, freaky perspective crow that was all wrong, I moved on to accidentally drawing a crow that looked like a seagull. 

This is what would happen if a crow and a seagull ever managed to get it on..... Beak, head, whole shape - all wrong. Plus adding ink didn't make it any more hardcore.

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