Wednesday 13 November 2013

Printing the Cat.

Printing the cat turned out to be a little tricky. I'm slowly getting there but I'm finding colour plains particularly difficult. Bit of a bummer as I really like colour plains. Main problem is for the amount of ink I'm trying to put down I need to use a higher gsm paper so that it doesn't start to curl - causes all sorts of problems for registration in later layers. Slight problem with my ink to medium mix didn't help or the non existent vacuum on the bed I was using. Resorted to masking taping the edges down eventually - fiddly nightmare!

Trouble shooting left to right - colour bleed bottom left corner, numpty moment - forgot to move the tape to fit new border, ink dried in the screen top right corner missing. Stripped the screen after this lot. Other big problem was that I exposed the positive too close to the screen edge left myself no room to flood or pull - ended up in big mucky mess.

Perseverance pays off. Re-exposed image alone in the middle of the screen - much better. All good for first ten. Melt down in the middle and then flowed through until the end with new better technique for how to pull larger prints using force of whole body without straining wrists.

 Registering layer 4 with acetate

Layer 4 printed

Registering layer 5

Final finished print.

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