Thursday 28 November 2013

A little bit of parrot magic.

Going a lot better this week after the Pigeon crash and burn. Still sleepy but feeling less mental. Decided to go back to a parrot illustration of mine that I'd printed as an etching a year ago. I like the drawing and being newish to etching I couldn't manipulate the colours the way I wanted to.

I took the discarded mini ink blob pattern from the magic cow and layered it up on an enlarged ink brush stroke. With the black feathers overlayed it created a nice effect. Also using acetate registration tabs instead of paper for first time this week, huge difference in lining up the different layers -  that's another technique for keeps.

  Computer print out for printing reference - stop me from exposing images backwards again....

 Colour mixing - do like a bit of tangerine!

 First layer down, smooth sailing. Although 10 min before this I did mess up my black layers exposure. I left screen in the exposure bed while it was warming up and it managed to expose every miniscule scatch on the glass surface onto my screen. End result bit like a very detailed road map with a surprised parrot in the middle of it... Had to wash that one out...

 Tangerine layer 2 on screen.

 Didn't even notice the edge had mis printed on the top print until I looked at this photograph.. oops.

Final black layer down - Final colour print! Woop! Without any mini crisis! 

 Close up - paper is not yellow - just funny studio lighting.

Decided to do some all black one colour prints too. Very different look for the same image.  

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