Sunday 17 November 2013

Out and about on Wednesday.

Out and about on Wednesday, dropped past the Rebecca Hossack gallery on Charlotte street. Karen Nicol's Singerie exhibition is on at the moment with works inspired by the satirical depiction of monkeys in fashionable dress in 18th century French Rococo paintings. Not normally a flowery monkey fan but I liked these ones, love her use of colour and the layers of detail are pretty incredible. Took a few sneaky pictures below, but they definitely don't do the work justice. Worth a look if you're in the area.

Link to the exhibition page with proper pictures.

My four favourites from the exhibition

Went onto the V&A afterwards, took a quick photo of their new shop dressings. All one colour and still looking good. Made me want to go back to basics in a few prints time, stop all of my 7 layer craziness and try pull off something simple but effective. However knowing me I'll be throwing my 'graphic' hat off in a huff after a few minutes and whacking in a rainbow in the middle of it.

Dropped into the pearl exhibition. Not a big pearl fan usually, especially on twin sets but I liked the funny lumpen ones that had been embellished to turn into ships and pregnant ladies. Other highlight was the video showing how they grow cultured pearls. All very sci fi, killing and chopping up a donor clam and inserting tiny pieces of it under lots of other clams flesh with a bead (nucleus) before tying them all up in nets, throwing them back in the water and waiting for them to grow a lovely big pearly cyst that we can then cut out of them and stick in our ears!

Spiky clam - I'd be growing thorns too if I were a clam. 

Dragon head dress with pearls - got plans for a dragon in the near future. 

How screen printed animals probably should be done. 

Checked out a few Emily Sutton illustrations upstairs in the V&A after seeing the Elmgreen & Dragset installation - definitely no photo's from there, even sketching wasn't allowed and they'd hired a man in costume to shout at people coming in the wrong entrance. He was having a great time.

Another drawing. Nice idea - different shapes picked out by different textures.

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