Tuesday 5 November 2013

Printing the crows.

The crows were a little ambitious for the third week I'd been in the print studio. I went for A2 in line with my general work moto -  'if in doubt make it massive'. 
I didn't realise how tricky big plains of flat colour are to pull off. Ended up using the arm on a bigger screen printing bed as it definitely wasn't happening with me hand pulling it. 

Next layer after that and my registration was going off between one tiny bit of the beetle and the crows. Whole process stressful with a lot of expensive mistakes. Out of 30 or so prints I've ended up with around 6 good ones. 
Oh well you live and learn. 

 Printing on the big bed with highly technical wooden stick prop. Weight of the arm stops the counter balance from working. 

It's always nice when mistakes look like monsters. 

After this I threw away my last bit of hand mixed pink. Big mistake, meant that I couldn't cover any accidential flecks of paint from prints hanging around the studio or little marks that cropped up when printing the other layers over the top. Fail. 

Registration fails and ink drying into screen as I wasn't being quick enough - Nightmare. Walked away.

Top crow layer on scrap. Smooching with Mr Hitchcock. 

Crows all good (apart from the ones with no feet). Just missing the beetle.

Beetle finished in one session. Hand registered everything with acetate. Got lent some iridescence for the wings :)

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