Wednesday 13 November 2013

48 hour pigeon power!

Printed for 6 hours on the Thursday, finished the cat print with a bit of bonus time on a spare bed. Got home at 10pm with 6 hours printing the next day and no artwork ready to go. Stayed up til 2 drawing/prepping an emergency pigeon and managed to print all four layers for around 35 prints by 6 o clock the next day. Win!

Pencil work

Black layer.

Drawing white layer - inking up - feather head. 

Reference print out 2am - tired.

 First colour blend in four years.

Layer 2 - pink feet and eye.

White on white layer 3 on screen. 

White feathers. Registering on acetate. 

White on white close up. Super subtle but nice in the flesh.

Layer 4 black.

Packing up.

Final print.

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