Saturday 23 November 2013

Brusell Sproats & Melt Downs.

I'm leaking confidence like a sieve at the moment. Don't know whats wrong with me but I'm definitely fighting the fear. Got a bit over tired this week, been pushing it too far. Need to realise that food and sleep are pretty key elements to productivity. Cleaned out my bank account on the weekend picking up a print I'd put into be framed before moving flats. It does look amazing - but not great for the purse strings.

On another note brussell sprouts are brilliant!!! Martian vegetables. No I definitely don't want to eat them but I am toying with drawing them. 

Two fancy pants vases - 3 colour print possibly

Super cheesy Unicorn decoration, verging on offensive.

I don't even like meringues but even I was tempted.

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