Saturday 16 November 2013

Printing the Walrus and then up til 2 drawing pigeon mark 2.

Started again on the Walrus. Blue colour plane was a pain the arse this time round, keep misprinting don't know why, it was smooth sailing Monday on the thin paper before I started trying to put more layers down. Up late again working night before so probably just being a tired mopey weakling. Was trying to print landscape - not happening. Ended up printing from the side of the bed to get it in portrait, covered myself in blue but got them out eventually.

 Mis - printing on Scrap.

Walrus on nice bit of bird covered scrap.

Success - background and subtle colour blend on walrus body. Nicer spacing on A3 - Need to learn to give images a bit of room.

 What a muppet. Exposed my next layers backwards. There's no registering these two. Had to strip, re coat and expose my screen before I could carry on. Fail. I'm getting extremely good at wasting time and money.

 Making sure they're the right way round.

Walrus on white scrap. Doing two of these to see what they look like as blanks.

Left at 8:30. Ate out, back home by 11:30 and then drew pigeon until 2. Tired. (but still writing this at 12:50am, clearly havn't made the connection between exhaustion and sleep yet..)

Texture layers

 Leggy pigeon final layout and rough colours for reference when printing. Planning on doing quite a few mini colour blends on this one and hopefully fit it a few different colours on same layer - e.g feet and eyes two different pinks in one sweep. Just have to keep the squeegee nice and straight. 

Back in to studio to print final layer of the walrus and planned to make a start on the pigeon. Pigeon didn't happen. Late in, no energy, hadn't eaten anything all day and flagging. Only had a mouldy aubergine and a biscuit in the flat. The biscuit got eaten. Bought a weird mexican rice brick from a stall on way in but pretty nasty - ended up in the bin after a mouthful.

 Printed Walruses with a few minor fails.

Finished print ready to photograph.

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