Sunday 1 December 2013

Printing Wee Bird after minor comestic sugery (photoshop) to franken foot.

Stayed late in the studio on Thursday for first time to get all 4 layers of Wee Bird printed. So focused on not missing the last train home and making sure everything was switched off and locked up I went and left my screens out in the middle of the dark room.

Was tempted to try printing two colourways at once but decided to focus on finishing all the blue ones so I could take a wee bird down to Rye the next day as a bonus birthday present for my mum. I did get a little concerned while cutting down my off cuts strips into perfect squares that my squares might not constitute as perfect enough for good registration. No problems though, my ruler skills can't be too rusty..

Colour mixing. Nothing better than a bit of finger painting!

 First layer down - pretty happy with the sage grey colour I mixed for the background. Added some moss green and grey to my left over Walrus beige.

 Bird on flowery scrap.

 Layer two - beak and feet - parrot tangerine.

 Layer three blue down.

Final print - top layer black - ready to photograph.

 Close up - background looks mushroom here - more green in real life.

Riding thursday night tube home with my bag of paint and big black bag next to the girls in heels and sparkly things - Getting used to finding surprise grub on my person.

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