Wednesday 4 December 2013

Printing green and brown Wee Bird colourways

Went down to Rye for my Mum's birthday weekend. Had a lot of fun stomping around on chilly beaches picking up lots of Flotsam and Jetsam. Gave myself a rash picking up one particularly funky piece next to the nuclear power station. Will update with few pics once I can get my photo's back. Had to borrow a camera after my phone came to a creaking data halt complaining about having to store my 5,200 photos.

Back to Studio on Monday. Screens had been put away for me which was super helpful, but had unfortunately been paint bombed at some point during the weekend with massive gold splodges all over one of them. That's one way to remember to never leave your screen out. Wasted 2 hours blasting the gold off and re exposing only to find couple of long scratches across the mesh too. Don't know what had happened while I was away but my screen has been through the wars. Real bugger as it was my nice new screen that got hit not my pigeon shadowing one.

Green Wee bird body down. Got a bit carried away with the green and didn't leave many sheets for Brown Wee bird - bit of a shame as the brown came out better than I'd thought it would.

Black layer down, slightly fiddly registration but all came good in the end.


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