Having spent the last three years having a fail at life,
driving myself and those around me mad, flitting around trying out various
careers that I knew from the word go weren’t going to work out, I’ve managed to
get myself back into a print workshop and am now happily covering myself in
paint and beginning to feel normal again.
The last three years have revealed that I am incapable at
being told what to do, internships make me very angry and that I need to work
with my hands to stop myself from going mental.
On this basis I have decided to stop looking for creative
jobs that won’t pay me and instead will pay myself nothing to work at doing
something that I enjoy.
This blog was supposed to start a month ago at the beginning
of October, the first day that I walked into a trendy east London screen
printing studio clutching a sugar sweet drawing of a bear surrounded by bees
and tried not to run away.
However between having just moved everything I owned into a
new flat four days beforehand and then keeping myself busy for the last month
making every screen-printing mistake in the book I’ve got a little catching up
to do.