Wednesday 30 April 2014

Drawing a Day 8 - Lampost

Primrose Hill Lamp post - There was supposed to be a tree in the background until an overweight P.E class decided to start doing lunges in front of my sapling, swiftly followed by an Italian guy trying to pick me up - I hate drawing in public... Next time I'll be wearing headphones. 

Friday 25 April 2014

Drawing a Day: 3 - 80's Pinapple Horror!!

Octopus Seaweed Print

 Octopus print after picking up a whole load off seaweed of the beach in East Sussex. Rediscovered the unfortunate fact that the sea never smells that great when you take it home - Especially after a couple of days hanging out in a plastic bag....

 Ideas sheet.

Octopus Drawings:

 Possible layout

 Layer 1 - Coral seaweed

 Layer 2 - Sage green seaweed

Octopus on acetate

 Final print

Drawing a Day 2b - Shrimp Mermaid

Shrimp Mermaids Doodle

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Drawing a Day 1: Woolly Woolson Monster Dog

1 drawing down 364 to go. Starting the day after my birthday - been feeling like a bit of a challenge. 

First subject Woolly Woolson the monster dog, snoozing off two long squirrel hunts in the park. 

I have a feeling my drawings will have a very 'naive' slightly unskilled feeling to them :)